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What is Undeliverable Mail and How Should it be Interpreted?

What is undeliverable mail and how should it be interpreted
By Rachel Horowitz | January 29th, 2024 | Blog, Direct Mail

Most mailing lists will produce an undeliverable mail rate ranging from 10% to 25%. The performance of a list is measured by its response rate. For example, a list may have a high undeliverable rate but still yield an acceptable number of responses if it is properly targeted.

Any undeliverable rate over 10% to 15% may be a cause for concern, but only if the list appears well-targeted and the response rate falls significantly below expectations.

Net60 Inc. offers comprehensive services, including business mailing lists, list management, and list brokerage. With their expertise, businesses can access tailored lists and efficient list management solutions, enhancing the effectiveness of their direct marketing efforts.

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