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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are hotline names and why are they important?

A: Individuals who have made a recent purchase are considered hotline names. List owners charge an additional fee for hotline names. Hotline names are of considerable interest to most marketers, since there is a greater chance that someone who has bought recently will buy again…

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Q: Why are lists so important to the success of my direct marketing campaign?

A: The success of any direct mail campaign is closely tied to the specific lists used in the campaign. The list/lists that you select is the most important decision in developing a marketing campaign. The more targeted the list the greater the response resulting in a successful…

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Q: What is the best list selection strategy?

A: No single list selection strategy guarantees success. You need to track the results of the various mailings to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Once you find a list that works, continue mailing to the list until your results show that this list is no longer providing you…

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Q: What are the basic prices, terms and conditions for renting lists?

A: Lists are usually purchased on a one-time usage basis. This allows the renter to utilize the list once in return for a specific fee. Fees are typically defined in terms of per thousand record basis. For example, a list renting for $150M means that the base rental fee is $150 per…

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Q: How do I estimate the costs to rent a list?

A: To calculate the base rental fee divide the total quantity you wish to order by 1,000; then multiply the result by the dollar cost per thousand. For example: 10,000 quantity divided by 1,000, equals 10 multiplied by $150/M rental fee, equals a base rental of $1,500.00. Next, do…

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Q: How much time should be allowed for list ordering and delivery?

A: Orders are produced based on the detailed specifications of the list renter. The exact timing is dependent on these specifications and the fulfillment capability. Most orders for domestic USA lists are shipped within 7 to 10 working days of receipt by the list owner or manager…

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